Why UConn?
You'll be immersed in research-informed content: UConn is designated as a R1 Research University, the highest designation of research activity. As such, the content of our online graduate certificate programs is research-informed. Why is this key? The knowledge you gain is based upon the best available evidence of what's likely to be most effective with the populations of individuals you will be working with. Moreover, much of that evidence comes directly from research conducted by UConn faculty.
Certificate credentials are UConn credentials: Just like every undergraduate and graduate degree our students earn, every online graduate certificate we award bears the signature of the University of Connecticut—it's your assurance that your credentials come straight from one the nation's Top 25 Universities.
Instant connection to the UConn network: When you participate in the Leadership and Diversity in Sport Management online program, you are treated like any UConn student and have full access to all of the resources available through the university.
New to online learning?
HuskyCT, which stands for “Husky Course Tools,” is the name of our online learning management system. The application we use is Blackboard Learn 9.1. Check it out.
Intuitive: If you can use social media and email, you'll get up to speed in no time.
Learn on your own time: Yes, there are weekly deadlines. But unlike a traditional classroom environment, the online delivery method allows you to follow your own learning style and participate at your own pace. So you can work when it's convenient for you. Got kids? Go online after they're in bed. Work full-time? Study on the weekends. Like to get up in the middle of the night? Go for it; coursework is available 24/7.
Material that sticks: Because you participate at times of the day that work best for you—and in short snippets if you prefer—you tend to learn material more quickly and effectively.
Collaborate with your peers: The HuskyCT system has all kinds of tools that allow you to interact with other students and faculty, from discussion boards to interactive messaging. You'll not only learn from the professors, but from your colleagues too, many of whom are working professionals who will share their real-world experiences.
Organized in modules: Each week, students are presented with a new module, which focuses on a specific topic. Each module follows the same format and includes delineated rubrics, so you'll know exactly how much each assignment or weekly task contributes to your grade.
Accessibility: We want all students to be successful, regardless of their learning strengths and weaknesses. Toward this end, all modules are created on the principles of universal design, ensuring that the information is accessible in a variety of formats to appeal to all types of learners.