Fall 2025 Online Courses
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4515. Web GIS
3.00 credits
Prerequisites: GEOG 2500, 2505 and consent of instructor.
Grading Basis: Graded
Introduction to Internet GIS. The basics of system architecture, geospatial web services, mashups, key elements of mobile GIS solutions, the functionality of geoportals and web technologies, web mapping interoperability using universal data standards such as OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) web services, and the current state of e-business and e-government web mapping interests.
Last Refreshed: 12-MAR-25 AM
Enrollment Data | Section | Class Number | Notes | Instructor | Enrollment | Session | Instruction Mode |
1258 8446 1 001 | 001 | 8446 | 0/15 | Reg | Online Asynchronous |