Fall 2025 Online Courses
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5335. Venture Planning, Management, and Growth
3.00 credits
Prerequisites: MENT 5138 or 5183, either of which may be taken concurrently; open to MBA students, others with consent.
Grading Basis: Graded
Presents students with an opportunity to put all of their business skills to the test as they prepare and pitch their business plans, while also exposing them to multiple facets of starting and managing new ventures in a very hands-on fashion. The business plans will concentrate on the fundamentals of building a great business, including the business proposition, the business model, the customer, the product, the competition, the market, the industry, the channels of distribution, the selling cycle, and funding requirements, etc. Through a business simulation, students are concurrently placed into a very realistic business setting where they start-up and run a company. Students are given full control of the simulated business and must manage its operations through several decision cycles, challenged with business fundamentals and the interplay between marketing, manufacturing, finance, accounting, etc., as they manage and grow the business.
Last Refreshed: 12-MAR-25 AM
Enrollment Data | Section | Class Number | Notes | Instructor | Enrollment | Session | Instruction Mode |
1258 8636 1 730 | 730 | 8636 | 0/45 | Reg | Online Synchronous |