Online Courses – Fall

Fall 2025 Online Courses
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5012. Nursing Science and Patterns of Knowing in Advanced Nursing Practice

3.00 credits

Prerequisites: NURS Grad Majors; open to graduate students in other disciplines with instructor consent.

Grading Basis: Graded

An historical, contemporary and futuristic exploration of the art and science of nursing praxis including patterns of knowing: empirical, ethical, aesthetic, existential and emancipatory. Theories and models derived from nursing and the social sciences are synthesized for their usefulness in advanced practice nursing care for individuals, families, and communities to promote health and manage a variety of problems such as health threats, acute and chronic illnesses, and transitions. Opportunities are provided for students to synthesize family health concepts for use in clinical practice, scholarship, and research.

Last Refreshed: 12-MAR-25 AM
To view current class enrollment click the refresh icon next to the enrollment numbers.
Section Class Number Notes Instructor Enrollment Session Instruction Mode
001 4922 0/25 Reg Online Asynchronous
002 4923 0/25 Reg Online Asynchronous
003 4924 0/25 Reg Online Asynchronous
004 4925 0/25 Reg Online Asynchronous