Online Courses – Fall

Fall 2025 Online Courses
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1881. Supervised Internship Experience

1.00 credits | May be repeated for a total of 2 credits.

Prerequisites: Open to matriculated undergraduates only, students must have a minimum GPA of 2.0. Students must secure a satisfactory internship position prior to the end of the second week of the semester of enrollment in this course. May be repeated one time, with permission. Open to matriculated undergraduates only, students must have a minimum GPA of 2.0. Students must secure a satisfactory internship position prior to the end of the second week of the semester of enrollment in this course.

Grading Basis: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory

Supervised fieldwork of six to eight hours per week (for a minimum of 80 hours) for 8-10 weeks, relevant to major and/or career goals. Mid semester and final evaluations are prepared by the field supervisor and the course instructor. This course does not fill any general education or major requirements. Formerly offered as UNIV 1991.

Last Refreshed: 12-MAR-25 AM
To view current class enrollment click the refresh icon next to the enrollment numbers.
Section Class Number Notes Instructor Enrollment Session Instruction Mode
001 1397 Settje, Beth 0/20 Reg Online Asynchronous