Online Courses – Spring

Spring 2025
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5303. Advanced Practice with Individuals, Groups and Families, Across Settings and Populations

3.00 credits

Prerequisites: IGFP 5302; open only to M.S.W. students in the Individuals, Groups and Families concentration. Corequisite: IGFP 5354 and FED 5311, or IGFP 5355.

Grading Basis: Graded

Builds upon content in previous IGFP courses about practice with individuals, groups and families within the context of oppression and privilege, while integrating core concepts related to trauma, strengths, resilience, and empowerment. Primary focus on the differential knowledge and skills needed to work effectively in various fields of practice (e.g., health care, schools,and the criminal justice, child protection, substance abuse and mental health systems). Systems of care, interdisciplinary teams, and policies impacting social work within each field of practice, as well as common clinical approaches and other interventions with the populations served in these settings.

Last Refreshed: 21-FEB-25 AM
To view current class enrollment click the refresh icon next to the enrollment numbers.
Section Class Number Notes Instructor Enrollment Session Instruction Mode
703 7127 Welz, Natasha 19/20 Reg Online Synchronous
707 7131 Carolan, Kelsi 20/20 Reg Online Synchronous
709 14153 Carolan, Kelsi 15/20 Reg Online Synchronous