Online Courses – Spring

Spring 2025
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3236. Managerial Negotiations

3.00 credits

Prerequisites: MENT 3101 or BADM 3740; open only to business majors of junior or higher status.

Grading Basis: Graded

Explores the broad spectrum of negotiation problems faced by business people and complements the technical and diagnostic skills learned in other courses at UConn. The goal is to help students understand the theory and processes of negotiation so that they can negotiate successfully in a variety of settings. A basic premise is that the manager needs analytic skills as well as interpersonal skills to effectively negotiate. Will allow you the opportunity to develop these skills experientially and to understand negotiation in useful analytical frameworks. Emphasizes in-class role-playing as a learning tool and topics covered include: diagnosing negotiation situations, planning negotiations, dealing with agents, multi-issue negotiations, multi-party negotiations, ethical considerations in negotiation, and global negotiations.

Last Refreshed: 21-FEB-25 AM
To view current class enrollment click the refresh icon next to the enrollment numbers.
Section Class Number Notes Instructor Enrollment Session Instruction Mode
331 9661 Methasani, Redona 9/10 Reg Online Asynchronous
701 9662 Methasani, Redona 15/15 Reg Online Asynchronous
881 9663 Methasani, Redona 11/15 Reg Online Asynchronous