Online Courses – Summer

Summer 2025
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4434. Theory and Nursing Practice for Child Health

4.00 credits

Prerequisites: NURS 4304 with a grade of C or better; student must be accepted into Basic Nursing (CEIN/B.S.) Certificate Program. Corequisite: NURS 4301 and 4424.

Grading Basis: Graded

Builds on students' understanding of microbiology, pharmacology, nutrition, genetics, and pathophysiology as these sciences relate to child health. Emphasis is on development of clinical decision-making skills related to nursing care of culturally diverse childrearing families with a particular focus on anticipatory guidance, prevention, intervention and health restoration. Provides experience in clinical and simulation learning environments for the application of theory from nursing and related disciplines to child health. Emphasis is on the role of the nurse in the delivery of interdisciplinary care.

Last Refreshed: 12-MAR-25 AM
To view current class enrollment click the refresh icon next to the enrollment numbers.
Section Class Number Notes Instructor Enrollment Session Instruction Mode
001 1880 Course start date: 5/5/26; end date 6/6/25 Wetmore, Carol 0/50 SDE Online Blended
330 1882 Course start date: 5/5/25; end date: 6/6/25 Wetmore, Carol 0/32 SDE Online Blended
660 1884 Course start date: 5/5/25; end date: 6/6/25 Wetmore, Carol 0/19 SDE Online Blended
890 1886 Course start date: 5/5/25; end date: 6/6/25 Wetmore, Carol 0/22 SDE Online Blended